Prison Campus Ministries

Bringing hope light love transformation Jesus to our community

Finding freedom from behind bars.

Transforming Lives Through Our Prison Campus Ministry

Our Prison Campus is a powerful extension of our local missions, reaching incarcerated individuals with the message of hope and redemption. Through Bible studies, praise and worship services, baptisms, and character-building programs, we provide inmates with the opportunity to grow in their faith and rebuild their lives.

We also offer Bibles and other spiritual resources to support their journey, helping them to develop a deeper relationship with God and find purpose in the midst of challenging circumstances. By extending our ministry into the prison system, we are committed to bringing light into dark places and fostering transformation that can impact entire communities.

Our mission is to foster transformation and growth,
guiding participants toward hope and renewal. 
Mansfield Correctional Honor Camp Facility

Weekly Friday Night Service & Bible Study

•25-30 men in attendance
•Praise & Worship 
•Baptisms (125 baptisms since 2017!)
•Christ-centered teaching (weekly study handouts provided)
•Bibles and Christian books are provided
•Commissioning services when men are released home.

Additional Ministry
-Occasional Sunday afternoon service preaching invitation

Mansfield Correctional Main Facility

Weekly Mentoring Study:

•15-20 men in attendance
• Christ-centered teaching / equipping (weekly study outliers proved)

Additional Ministry
-Sponsored special events for men and their families to reunite  
-Crossroads’ Praise team provided.
-Christmas service special for 200 inmates
-Occasional Sunday morning service preaching invitation. 

Richland Correction

4 Weekly Character Development classes ( 40 week curriculum):

30-35 men attending weekly
•Started in 2017 in partnership With True Freedom Ministries





Volunteers of America Re-entry Center (VOA)
Weekly Bible Study:
  • Reading Scripture: Participants read specific Bible verses or chapters.
  • Discussion: Members share their interpretations, ask questions, and discuss how the passages apply to their lives.
  • Reflection: The group may reflect on the spiritual lessons or themes in the text.
  • Prayer: Sessions often include prayer, either at the beginning, end, or throughout.

Interested in serving in at one of our Prison Campuses?

Prison Campus Ministries involve rewarding experiences and challenges with legal, emotional, spiritual, and cultural considerations within correctional facilities. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact our staff to learn more about the opportunities available.