Show Mercy is a mission organization in Uganda with many forms of outreach – education, medical and health education, elderly and children, hunger, Farming God’s way and prison programs.
Hope Missions and the team travel along the Amazon river to remote villages to provide medical support.
Visit the link below for requirements, an itinerary and more!
Partnering with Asia’ Hope, a mission organization in Cambodia, Thailand and India, this team will help provide family-style residential homes for orphaned children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation.
More information to come.
Deadline: March 9
Cost: $2,400/Person
We would love for you to join us in fulfilling the greatest mission! If you are interested in learning more about or are ready to sign up for a trip, click the link below to fill out the form.
Asia’s Hope is a mission partner that is dedicated to providing comprehensive, family-style care for orphaned children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation in Thailand, India and Cambodia.
Crossroads sponsors help support 2 homes in Cambodia. These children now have families with moms and dads in a safe home, medical care, food, and Christian education. They are being raised up in God’s love, grace, and hope.
Child Sponsorships: Through Crossroads, you can participate in sponsoring a child for their daily living expenses and primary school needs. Or you can help send one of the high school graduates to vocational or university. Education is key to keeping kids out of poverty and dangers they were rescued from! Click here.
There are annual trips to engage with our Cambodia families and regular Zoom call opportunities for the sponsors to communicate with their child.
In Guatemala we partner with multiple organizations mostly through Mission Impact. We support a girls school, coffee farmers, community development projects, and much more.
Education Sponsorships: Proximos Pasos, the girl school run by Mission Impact, is making a huge impact in the village of our coffee farmers. Culturally, the opportunity for girls to attend school is sporadic and not highly valued by families. By sponsoring a young girl’s primary or nursing school education, you can change her life and future! Click here.
Check out the Guatemala textiles, buy a cup or a bag of Coffee in our Crossroads Coffee and Tea, or sponsor a girl for her education at the Christian School in Santa Maria de Jesus, the village of our coffee farmers.
Crossroads has a growing relationship with Dream Church in Kathmandu led by Jomesh Tamang. This small church started in early 2019 with a small core group of Christians and is steadily growing. Less than 1% of Nepal’s population are Christians and while proclaiming to respect religious freedom, there has been growing persecution and limitations placed on Christians.
Dream Church is making an impact in the lives of young adults and families. Crossroads, by providing financial support, Dream Church is able to hold weekly services in their own church building. Crossroads also takes teams to Nepal to encourage and assist with humanitarian outreach opportunities.
Missional Nepali Tea is also sold in our Crossroads Coffee and Tea. These funds go to support a Nepali organization rescuing and redeeming women from human trafficking.
The purpose of globalLead is to serve those in ministry through trainings and mentorship in order to position Christian leaders for multiplication. GlobalLead engage biblical and globally transferable principles in their trainings, seminars, conferences, networks, and mentorship programs to speak to the heart and skills of Christian leaders globally.
GlobalLead currently train in Africa, Southeast Asia, Northwest Asia, Europe, Central and North American in over 50 different countries!
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet the needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. North American Ministries responds quickly when natural disasters strike, deploying an army of team members to come alongside homeowners to bring relief and compassion in Jesus’ Name. We also lead construction projects all around the USA. Specialized skills are not required for most projects. We look for team members who have a servant’s heart and are willing and able to work hard. Trips are scheduled 1-2 times per year.
The mission of Hope Ministries in Brazil is to preach the Gospel, plant churches, train leaders, and then aid them in planting, strengthening, and multiplying churches throughout the Amazon Region of Northern Brazil.
Scott & Michelle Toth founded the ministry to prepare each believer for ministry in the church and participation in missions, establish new churches, and further the Kingdom of God in unreached areas.
Before they plant a church anywhere, they walk the area praying for God’s wisdom, talking to families about their needs, and praying for them, while distributing used clothing, Bibles, and simple medical supplies. They also have a medical/dental boat that takes mission teams and the gospel to villages along the Amazon river.
Paz Coffee Shop and Church: Josiah & Jennifer Huber, who are currently the head pastors of Paz Church Kawasaki, Japan. A little over two years ago, God gave them the dream of opening a coffee shop to reach the community with a less threatening approach than a church might have.
Non-Christian Japanese are very skeptical of churches, and most wouldn’t set foot in one. However, coffee shops have been taking over for the last 10 years!
Currently, besides normal services on Sunday, family groups, discipleships and prayer meetings, they also began Paz Bible College last year to train up church planters. Their dream is to plant coffee shop churches all around Japan!
Two missionary couples serving in San Antonia, Paraguay are Oscar & Karen and Gabriel & Hadassa Caballero. Oscar and Karen have been serving there for 30+ years in church planting, organizing family and youth camps, children’s ministries, and starting a Christian School. Their son, Gabriel, and his wife Hadassa now serve alongside them by planting another church and starting Proyecto Escuela de Vida (School of Life). This social project reaches into the lives of at-risk children and teens to meet practical needs and teaches biblical principles to prepare them to be Christian leaders in their country.
Jews for Jesus is an organization made up primarily of Jewish people, as well as other followers of Jesus who are committed allies of the Jewish people. Their staff raise awareness of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, facilitate the Jewish community, provide spiritual care and meet needs in their local communities. They engage Jewish people with the teachings of the Scriptures and strive to live them out by loving God and our neighbors.
In addition to advocating for Jesus within the Jewish community, they also help Christians gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish context of their own faith. They fight anti-Semitism across the globe by helping bring understanding between Jewish and Christian communities.
Ruslan Asadov is the director of HIS+DOM Ministry. It is a ministry created to mobilize local churches and families to disciple orphans through foster care and adoption in Russia and Belarus. For most of his career, Ruslan Asadov has believed that Christian mentors are the best solution for the orphan crises in the former USSR and Eastern Europe. His vision began to change when he realized that mentoring is the key to reaching orphans and transforming their lives for Christ. But this could be most effective when orphans were fostered, adopted, and discipled by local Christians. Unfortunately, there are few organizations and churches that are able to recruit, equip and train families, church leaders, and volunteers.
HIS+DOM is an acronym for Discipling Orphans Ministry. DOM means “home” or “house” in Russian. HIS+DOM wants to show all orphans the way to Christ and His Father’s House.
In partnership with Show Mercy International, we help them to fulfill their vision to mobilize, inspire and empower individuals all over the world to live life on purpose while reaching out in love. Show Mercy works on the ground providing direct assistance that helps children, families and communities in Uganda reach their full potential in life.
Trips are available for teams to participate in a large variety of local outreaches including Farming God’s Way, Village and Community Development which includes adult education, Bible studies, income-generation and an on-site Village Health Center and birthing Center and hunger alleviation for children in multiple villages (often Muslim villages).
Show Mercy also offers child sponsorship programs that can be found on their website.
Ethnos360 are missionaries reaching through translation and teaching of the Bible into two different unreached people groups.
Wycliffe Bible Translators started living among the people group they are translating the Bible for and have planted a church. The Schley’s have put their translation into audio files, audio e-books, and visual teaching materials so local pastors can use these teaching materials during their worship services and Bible Classes.
Plan a visit and get a personalized experience from the moment you walk through our front doors. You’ll be greeted by name, given a tour, and connected to key Crossroads leaders and volunteers! (Plus, coffee’s on us!)